Day 7
We arrived at a big crowd. Some people from the previous day did not get to see the doctor but were already registered. The day was busy, and a steady stream of patients came through the clinic. We had a few people who tried to come through the net line a second time, but my Ugandan friend Emanuel could spot the Sharpie mark we made on their fingernails even if they tried to wash it off. It made me laugh to see their reactions.
By the end of the day, the doctors could see all the patients. We gave out 900 mosquito nets. One of the most impactful things we do is give children a wellness check and see mothers-to-be. They are also given vitamins.
Many days, patients walked over 5 kilometers (3.1 Miles) to reach the clinic. This might have been their only chance to see a doctor for a very long time. It was a chance for them to see this church in action. Your generous support made it all possible. Thank you for refusing to look away.
Grace and peace
Doug Eisele, Uganda Missioner
PS: This is my last blog as I begin the two-day journey home!