We began the day by packing up and enjoying breakfast at the house.
We headed out to do a little souvenir shopping at a great little market.
We then stopped at the States Diner for lunch/brunch before heading to the airport. José (Don Chepe), our driver, was the best!
As we return home, our hearts are full of gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. The mission trip to El Salvador was not just an opportunity to give but also to receive. We carry with us the lessons learned, the stories shared, and the inspiration to continue serving. Here are some final thoughts from each member of the team:
We spent 3 days at various orphanages. While these children are obviously facing challenges, they are genuinely joyful with smiles on their faces. Sus Hijos holds Bible study and play days to help show God's love. - Doug
It was so rewarding to share love with so many children and get big smiles in return. My favorite moment was the smiles on the boys’ faces when they saw their own beds in their new home. Now each one has a personal space. I pray that God will take these five loaves and two fish and multiply them abundantly. - Janevieve
El Salvador is a beautiful country with beautiful people. I was blessed to come here and I pray that those we met were as well. Also, thankful for the COTHA team, everyone brought their unique strengths to the mission trip. I’m reminded more and more that God is everywhere and people are more similar than not. The Lord bless us and keep us and give us peace. - Stephanie
I am very grateful for our team and the time together. I felt we were very productive the entire time in El Salvador. All the people the we met were very welcoming and excited to see us. God's presence was felt in us as well as the people we encountered. - Juan
I feel so blessed that I was able to be a part of this trip. I want to say thank you to our team for being so kind and friendly the whole time. Our unlikely group ended up having a wonderful time and these are memories I will cherish my whole life. Thank you God, for this opportunity. He continues to exceed my expectations for my own plans. - Evynn
Awesome team from COTHA! Loved laughing with everyone as we played games and danced with the kids (and the "kids"). The beach day was very special seeing the joy on so many faces. Will always remember building and decorating the house for a sweet family and driving around the city at 11pm in an open truck in the pouring rain (twice) handing out meals to the homeless....every experience pulled me out of my comfort zone and touched my heart. - Karen
My special memory this week was praying with the small church community and handing out food and donations. I will continue to pray for Pastor Esteban, the church and community. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and prayed for us—our families, our COTHA family, friends, donors, and all the Salvadoran people who welcomed us with open hearts and arms. I am also grateful for each member of the team who came to El Salvador and shared their gifts. And most of all THANK YOU to God for this wonderful opportunity! - Melissa
While building a house physically felt great as we saw the final product and the resulting appreciation, I also love the fact that the memories of hugs and smiles from the kids will also last forever. - Ernesto
I had a great time! The trip ended up being way better than expected. I really enjoyed getting to know the COTHA team more and getting to know the team here! I appreciate the friends I have made throughout the trip! SO many laughs and memories! I enjoyed getting to talk to the kids and spend time with them. I was able to spend time with Alexander (Alex) and Alejandro. They are both very kind and smart. I ask for prayers for the boys as they are turning 18 soon. Also prayers for the whole team here in El Salvador! They were wonderful. - Avery
It was a very fun trip and my favorite memory was playing sports with the kids in the orphanage and building the house for the family of 6. I want to come back again next year. - Ian
My favorite memory of El Salvador is I enjoyed playing games with the children and feeding the homeless of the city in the wild rain. - Andy
This week was very exciting and I was able to help many people and make memories that will last a life time! - Sterling
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11 ESV
Peace and Love,
COTHA 2024 El Salvador Mission Team