Qué hermoso día!
William (a super sweet person), who cooks breakfast for the team every morning, made us delicious banana pancakes to start the day.
Then, we quickly loaded up the bus with our beach gear and afternoon crafts and left Sus Hijos at 8:30 a.m. for Costa Del Sol, a beach on the edge of El Salvador, about an hour and a half from the mission house.
Our driver, José, stopped at a convenience store for gas, snacks, and el baño – multiple stalls! In Melissa’s words, “As close to a Buc-ees as we’ll get in El Salvador.” ;-)
When we arrived at the beach, we headed to a cabana with tables, hammocks, and a pool with a beautiful view of the big Pacific waves. Soon after we arrived, some of the adults with disabilities from CADIS (San Martin) came.
We spent the majority of the day getting to know them and enjoying time together. They were so friendly and excited to be there! They immediately ran up to us to introduce themselves and welcomed us with big hugs.
We enjoyed the day with them, playing in the pool before lunch, making art with markers, stickers, and bandaids after lunch, and then going to the beach to play in the sand and waves.
Around 3:00 p.m., it was time to say goodbye to our new friends - but we’ll see them again at their home tomorrow, along with many others. Afterward, the team had time for some R&R between swatting at the skeeters.
Then, we were back at home base for dinner. They’ve been feeding us well!
It was such a lovely day getting to hang out with the “kids,” as they’re so fondly called. They have such big hearts and so much joy. As Kurt from Sus Hijos shared before dinner - “They call CADIS the happiest place on earth.” - for good reason.
Thankful for God’s goodness and grateful to be here and to have met all these wonderful people.
In Christ, Steph and Evy, El Salvador Missioners