Connecting people to Christ through love in action!

Hello! I'm Stephanie Thomas, Engagement Coordinator here at COTHA. We are excited to share our 2023 Fall Programming designed to illuminate God’s word for His people and help raise the next generation of believers. Below you'll find offerings for all ages, life stages, and commitment levels.
I look forward to walking along with you during this season!
In This Issue:

We are called to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,” Psalm 96:9. Our worship combines a blend of the rich traditional liturgy of the Episcopal faith along with contemporary music and praise.
We have three Sunday Morning services:
8:00 a.m. • Rite 1, Reflective worship music
9:30 a.m. • Modified liturgy in a casual environment for young families to worship together.
10:30 a.m. • Rite 2, Modern worship music
Worship Teams
We'd love to help you get involved on Sunday mornings! We have a variety of ministries for all ages and time commitments.
Acolytes (Students 5G and up, Training required)
Assist the Rector during Sunday Services.
Altar Guild (Senior High Students and Adults, Training required)
Help set the communion table before and after services.
Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Senior High Students and Adults, Training required)
Read Scripture during Sunday Services and assist with distributing communion.
Prayer Team - Sunday (Adults, Training required)
Pray for parishioners in person during communion distribution on Sundays.
Ushers (Senior High Students and Adults, Training required)
Greet and assist guests as they arrive, assist with communion and the offering, and be available during the service for special needs as they arise.
Worship Team (Senior High Students and Adults, Auditions, and Training required)
Use your musical talents to lead the congregation into worship.
Worship Support and Tech Teams (Senior High Students and Adults, Training required)
Assist with the technical side of worship services, including slides, the live stream, and Thursday night rehearsal.

Being a disciple is simply being a follower.
For a Christian, this means we are a disciple when we follow Jesus Christ. He has a heart for the lost, last, least, and lonely. When we follow Jesus, our heart begins to change to have the same concern.
The process of growing into this lifestyle is called discipleship.
It is simply a matter of being willing to continue following him through worship, prayer, the reading of God’s Word, fellowship, and other spiritual practices.
Click below to learn more:
Adult Confirmation (Sunday Evening)
We invite all adults who are either interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. This class is also for those who feel drawn to explore what it means to be integrated more deeply into the life of Christ's Church. Confirmation Class is led by Alex in Room 103 from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. beginning Aug 24 through Sep 28. Childcare is provided.
Adult Formation Groups (Sunday Mornings)
Women's Bible Study (Thursday Nights)
Home Groups (Various)
Daughters of the King (Sunday Mornings)
Young Adults (Various)

We believe that families and youth are central pillars of our church and community.
We strive to strengthen all families by providing them with a strong Biblical spiritual foundation and formation through our educational and social activities centered around basic Christian values.
Click below to learn more:
Nursery (six weeks - pre-kindergarten)
Our nursery is open on Sundays from 7:45 a.m. to noon for children six weeks old through pre-kindergarten and is professionally staffed by a group of warm and dedicated adults. Through age-appropriate activities, we are building our preschooler's spiritual foundation with games, crafts, and Bible experiences. Our entire curriculum is constructed to meet your preschooler(s) where they are cognitively, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. When you arrive at our nursery area, your child will check in to their age-based room (babies, toddlers, preschoolers) for the day’s lectionary-based lesson as well as plenty of time to play and socialize with their friends. We also have a nursing room off the nursery foyer available during all services.
Kids (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
Students (6th Grade - 12th Grade)
Junior Daughters of the King (Ages 7-21)

New Member Classes
This 2-week class, held after the 10:30 a.m. service in Room 103, provides interested guests with the opportunity to learn more about who we are, what we believe, ministry opportunities, and how they can join our congregation. Lunch and childcare are provided.
Register for our Aug 13 & Aug 20 Class
Register for our Oct 29 & Nov 5 Class
Board Game Night
This club is perfect for those who enjoy the thrill of playing cooperative and strategy-based board games. We meet on the first Monday of the month in room 115.
Contact our Game Coordinator, Wesley Thomas, for more information.
Sports Sunday Game Day
Our game commissioners, Kerry Rivas and Zach White, invite everyone to our monthly Sports Sunday Game Days on the last Sunday of the month.
Contact our Commissioner, Kerry Rivas, for more information.
Bunco Ladies Night Out
Gather your friends and family for an evening filled with laughter, friendly competition, and lots of fun! Bunco Ladies Night Out is a great opportunity to build friendships and connect with others.
Whether you're a seasoned Bunco player or a newbie, all skill levels are welcome!
Contact our Director of Family Ministry, Becca Rivas, for more information.