Dear COTHA parishioners,
Thank you for your continued generosity to Church of the Holy Apostles! As we continue to grow, your generosity has enabled us to be a Biblically faithful community that connects people to Christ through love in action. Please click here to review your year-to-date 2023 giving statement.
It is our commitment to you to be good stewards of your gifts. Please find our 3Q financial update below. Looking ahead, we have some upcoming expenses related to building maintenance that will be completed before the end of the year. Specifically, we need to replace numerous parking lot lights for safety and security. We have obtained several bids to replace the existing fixtures with energy-efficient LED lights, estimated at $10,000 to $15,000. Additionally, we will replenish lost landscaping due to this summer’s drought and extreme heat, with an approximate expenditure of $13,000.
At COTHA, we are dedicated to staying true to our mission, vision, and values as we continue to grow as followers of Christ. As we look toward the end of 2023 and forward to our 2024 budget, we ask for your prayers as you begin to consider your pledge for next year. This pledge not only guides our ministry activity but also indicates to us the support and faith you have in the mission and leadership of Holy Apostles.
Grace and Peace,
Melissa Fuentes, Senior Warden on behalf of the Vestry
Click here for your year-to-date giving statement. If you are ready to submit your 2024 pledge, please click here. Also, if you haven’t taken advantage of online recurring giving, you may do so here. This is especially helpful for planning and budgeting resources for the year.
