Day 3
Day 3 was fantastic!
The clouds stuck with us into the early afternoon, and there was even a slight breeze. We were able to begin laying the first layer of the roof and everyone had great energy and enthusiasm.
Mrs. Mendez even came out and joined us for lunch!! Thank you for your prayers!
We headed to Sonic for an afternoon treat on our way back to Blueprint and finished the evening with worship and chapel. Tonight we’ll make our scrapbook for the homeowner and gift it to her tomorrow. We are so grateful for your prayers, and we’d ask for your continued prayers for rest, strength, and energy as we head into our last work day. I continue to be so proud of our students and the way that they carry themselves. We look forward to another great day tomorrow!! God is definitely working here in San Antonio!
Becca Rivas, Director of Family Ministry
I remember my experience in Construction as a young boy. The lesson came from my friends family. They understood the hardships of roofing and the mercies that GOD provided with joy. Lunchtime was an opportunity to learn more and strengthen our resolve to do a great job.