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2022 County Notice


September 7, 2022



Dear Neighbors,

Church of the Holy Apostles appreciates the positive and beneficial relationship with all our neighbors surrounding our Church facility.  Several of you have had questions regarding the County notice you received about the replat of our vacant 2 acres+/- being the north portion of Church property.  The following is meant to provide you additional information regarding the County replat notice letter and the recent County signage installed at our facility.

Church of the Holy Apostles has listed this 2.0 acre+/- vacant property for sale, see Exhibit A attached.  The area is located on the north side of the existing Church facilities.  The potential sale will likely be to a commercial developer/user since the market has determined commercial use is this location’s best use.  The specifics of the development, and businesses to reside within the development, are unknown at this time.  However, the Church has placed restrictions prohibiting certain businesses/uses that would not be favorable neighbors, see Exhibit B attached.  Landscaping, setbacks, and parking designs will follow local jurisdictional requirements.

The public notice was distributed to surrounding property owners in accordance with County requirements for a replat. A replat of the property for sale is necessary to combine multiple parcels into a single defined parcel (Exhibit A).


If there are any further questions, please contact us at or 281-392-3310.


In Christ,



The Rev. Alex Large

Church of the Holy Apostles

Katy, TX


County Notice.png


2.0 Acre +/- Prohibited Uses


Prohibited uses shall include any type of surface/subsurface mining for topsoil, sand, and gravel; heavy industrial purposes or drilling for or removal of oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substances.  In no event shall any portion of the property ever be used for any uses or operations which produce or are accompanied by the following characteristics:  (i) explosive or other damaging or dangerous hazards, including fireworks (ii) the retail sale of gasoline and related products; (iii) any facility for the sale of paraphernalia designed or intended for use with illicit drugs or any so called “smoke shops”; (iv) any use which is illegal or constitutes a nuisance; (v) a massage parlor, sexually oriented businesses such as X-rated or adult movie or video sales, lounges or clubs featuring nude or semi-nude entertainers, or escort services, used car lot, bankruptcy sale, refinery, outdoor auction house or flea market; (vi) mulching yard, landscape yard, ready-mix concrete/cement yard, and sand,  gravel rock yard, garbage dump, landfill, (vii) a carwash facility.

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